We have decided to CHANGE our plans for the Egypt 2012 Portal conference at The Great Pyramid. This is a somewhat drastic move at the last minute but we are doing this in order to allow more people to be able to come to Egypt and to be part of this special portal activation on Dec 21st. We are altering our plans radically. Instead of going with a large extended tour package we are going to cut costs and see if we cant get more of our Cobra family to come along.
Time is short but for those who have felt the call and want to participate, now is the time to let the magic happen and make a positive step towards actively participating as ground crew members in anchoring the light at Giza. The plans for fear and war in the Middle East have failed despite last minute attempts by main stream media and false flag activities to convince us differently.
Egypt and her peoples are as warm and wonderful as ever and we are thinking for this Egypt trip to be real simple and easy and it will go like this:
Cobra, Rob, Untwine and a few others have confirmed their attendance in Egypt from Dec. 17th – 22nd. We are inviting anybody and everybody who is in alignment with our prayers for world peace and prosperity for all and an end to tyranny to join us on the Giza plateau for 5 days.
We will have everyone purchase their own plane tickets, their own transfers and their own hotel accommodations separately! We are all just going to meet for 5 days to help heal the planet with our love. We will all just meet at a to be announced location on 10 am December 17th! We will have a meet and greet introduction and then begin our teaching that day right next to the Great Pyramid!
請大家自行打理埃及行的機票、食宿和交通! 我們會在五天的會議期間用愛幫助療癒地球。會議開始的時間是12月17日早上10點。我們會在簡短的開場白和課程介紹之後在大金字塔旁邊開始會議的課程。
Before we arrive in Egypt you will have a firm itinerary for our stay and our schedule of events. We will not be traveling much but we will be sharing group experiences and activations around the Great Pyramids. We will have our camel ride at sunset around the Great pyramid and our belly dance show as well as sharing meals and the hospitality of the Egyptian people as a big Cobra family. Together we will meditate inside the Great Pyramid for the Portal activation on Dec 21st. We will also have many other special experiences. For those of us willing to make this event happen for ourselves and planet, a lifetime of magical memories awaits us all.
Please understand that a non-disclosure agreement must be signed by each participant-No photography or recording-Topics presented may be subject to change.
As we will ALL be paying our own way we have the choice to join in some of these extra activities or only to be present for the teachings and activations. It is going to be real sweet and simple.
You will sign up by registering here on this site. The only cost is a straight $500 dollars! By paying a NON REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT of $250 now or anytime before December 10th (Paypal or credit card) you are registered to join us. You will make the final payment of $250 when we will see you on the 17th.
This fee will only be for the activation and teachings given by Cobra and Rob. We will meet for at least 5 hours a day and for some days longer. We will go to many special areas around the Giza Plateau and we are working on a day excursion to another to be announced location for our group. All hotel, transportation, entry fees and meals costs are to be paid for by group members individually.

Cobra and Rob will be acting as teachers and friends only. Our guide Sayeed will be our interpreter and liaison for our stay. His family has guarded the entrance to the Great Pyramid for generations and we will be well taken care of by him and his family as he knows the area well.
柯博拉和Rob在會議期間只負責擔任講師和大家的朋友。我們的導遊- Sayeed會擔任口譯和聯絡人。他的家族已經有好幾個世代負責守衛大金字塔。由於他對大金字塔的情況十分熟稔,他和他的家人會在會議期間協助照料大家。
We are currently in the process of negotiating hotel rate discounts for our group. However like at the Laguna conference, all participants will have a choice as to where they will stay and how they will get to our event. You must get your own airfare, taxi to and from Cairo, your hotel location and to our meeting locations everyday on your own.
We will keep to many of the same plans for the activation schedule that we had before. We will probably meet several mornings in a hotel conference room or a local meeting room where we can all gather for special instruction and download from Cobra as to what to expect for each day and especially the 2012 Portal. Rob also will be sharing some things about Egypt in regards to the Great Pyramid and the near future plans for revelations by the Great White Brother/Sisterhood and the Galactic Confederation.
The details of meeting locations and schedule for these events will be released to those who are registered. By contacting Rob Potter by phone at 949-395-1885 you will get a return call very quickly, for clarification of any aspect of this 2012 Cobra Portal in Egypt to help you decide if you want to go! Rob is unavailable by e-mail on a daily basis until November 10th so call him for best results. If you register or if you wish to use e-mail to contact Rob do so at [email protected], you will receive details and be contacted within a day or two.
報名參加的民眾將會會議場地和流程細節。您可以打電話詢問Rob Potter關於2012埃及門戶會議。電話號碼: 949-395-1885。Rob在11月10日之前都無法每天查閱電子信箱,所以打電話會是最好的詢問方式。如果您已經報名或想用電郵聯繫他,請寄信到[email protected]。您會在1-2天內收到詳細的回信。
FYI, we will need a Visa but we can purchase one after we arrive for about $20. Rob can also arrange to have you picked up at the airport if you e-mail me your flight details and itinerary! You will be met by our guide Sayed Adili (you may also friend him on facebook and tell him you are coming) he will bring you directly to “The Pyramid Hotel”. This is where many of us are staying or he will take you to your hotel. This is a service he is offering which you might like? We recommend you tip him accordingly as he will incur travel costs to the airport and his time! He has graciously offered this service for free as is the warm custom of the Egyptian people but we know you will treat him well if you are to avail yourself with his hospitality. You are not required to do this of course, but we wish to offer this for you as a courtesy if you would like it.
埃及的落地簽證費用大約是20美元。如果您將航班時間寄給我,Rob也可以安排接機。導遊-Sayed Adili先生會直接將您載到The Pyramid Hotel或您下塌的飯店(建議您給導遊接送的小費)。雖然導遊按照當地習俗免費接送,我們知道您會感謝他的好意。
For those who are excited and willing don’t delay start making plane reservations and plans to be in Egypt, Cairo near the Giza plateau from December 17th-22nd. The Torino conference was a raging success and we are a confident as ever that our efforts to invoke the light for our planet on December 21st inside the Great Pyramid will be a success and Victory for the Light.
We hope you will not delay. If spirit is calling you to join us we prefer you call Rob or if necessary e-mail Rob or just sign up and get your plane ticket as soon as possible. We will see you there. You are welcome to join us and we look forward to hearing from you as soon as you decide!
翻譯:Patrick Shih
“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。
本文出處網址: https://www.golden-ages.org/2012/11/02/updated-cobra-portal-2012-in-egypt/