We can confirm that the Fix the World Team has produced a working overunity device, called Quantum Energy Generator (QEG). Yes, it works:

You can read more about the QEG here:
And download detailed plans how to create a working QEG unit here:
It would be good that QEG open sourced manual goes viral and that as many QEG units are constructed independently as soon as possible. So if you want to have an overunity device, do not wait for mass production to bring it to you, start building your unit now:
Fix the World Team is searching for capable individuals or groups that can bring QEG units to the people worldwide on all scales, from small mechanical workshops to large production facilities. People with such capabilities can contact the Fix the World Team here:
You can also support the Fix the World Team by helping them bringing free energy to the word:
The Light Forces have requested that as many Event Support Groups as possible begin constructing their own QEG units as soon as possible. These Event Support Groups will then serve as transformation nodes that will help the planetary transition into the new overunity society.
QEG is not the only overunity device that will be released. There are many more projects being prepared behind the scenes and production and distribution networks on all levels organized, from garage mechanical workshops to global enterprises. If you have large scale production or distribution capabilities, contact [email protected] and we may include you in one of our projects.
QEG不會是唯一公開亮相的超輸出裝置。現在幕後的光明勢力正在為自由能源馬力全開的安排各種形式的生產和經銷網絡;從車庫大小的機械工作坊,到全球化的新能源企業。如果您有能力大規模量產和經銷自由能源裝置,請來信[email protected]。您將有機會成為我們的項目伙伴。
Let there be Light!
翻譯:Patrick Shih
“柯博拉(Cobra)”是昴宿星轉世為地球的某個人類,Cobra為其代稱(由Compression breakthrough”壓縮突破”而來)。其與昴宿星人一直有面對面的直接接觸,他/她是抵抗運動官方的公開聯絡人。
本文出處網址: https://www.golden-ages.org/2014/03/27/free-energy-revleaed/