



报告人: Jamie


To: All our Amazing Supporters and Followers



As I’m sure everyone is aware, we have had many engineers and technicians here in Morocco working on the QEG with us in the last 3 weeks. Of particular note are the guys from Germany and the German speaking countries, Holland, UK, Canada , and Slovenia. Thanks to these dedicated individuals for their time, effort, and support, spiritually as well as technically… And thanks also to all the amazing and selfless people who brought us parts for the QEG in their suitcases and carry-ons without regard for risk involved. All have contributed to this endeavor, and all are greatly appreciated!




I must personally apologize to all for not publishing more material and more of my own comments on progress etc., to date. It has been a struggle to keep the build and the development process moving forward due mostly to difficulty sourcing parts here, and researChing design questions. There has been little choice but to just keep working and try to catch up with your questions, comments and communication whenever internet/phone are available (which is only about 3% of the time in Aouchtam). The engineers and residents here have just made some improvements with the internet hardware, so we’re expecting communications to be a bit better now going forward. And hopefully this update will clear up most of the technical concerns and lack of documentation.




I’m sure the question in everyone’s mind is: How close are we to overunity? Well, here in Morocco, we are very close, within about 200 Watts (800 Watts out for 1000 Watts in at this point in development). We have heard yesterday and today that (2) other groups have completed the basic QEG build, and have resonance. This is good news, since the more people we have working on the development, the faster we will reach our goal.


相信大家现在共同的问题是:我们快要达到超输出了吗?这个嘛~我们在离超输出非常近了。转换效率有80% (1000瓦的输入有800瓦的输出)。我们昨天听说又有两个QEG团队作好了QEG并且达到谐振发电。这是个好消息。只要有越多人参与研发,我们就能越早达成超输出。


In the last few days, several negative posts and comments have been circulating about what we are doing here. This is astonishing to us! Apparently some groups and individuals were expecting a completely finished product to be delivered into their hands, with nothing left to do . We have always said that as soon as we got the basic resonance from the maChine, we would open source all the information we had, and that’s what we’ve done. The intent was to co-develop the maChine in an open source platform , with input, comments, test data, solutions and suggestions shared transparently between all groups that have chosen to build the maChine.




Continuing in that spirit, here is a snapshot of our current status…

As we’ve said before, after the mechanical build, it’s not too difficult to get the maChine into resonance, since it is a variable frequency generator. We were instructed (by WITTS) to ‘match’ the electrical resonance (‘tank’ circuit resonant frequency), with the mechanical resonance (self-resonant frequency of the steel core) which was stated to be around 400 Hz. It was also stated that type M21 steel should be used for the core (however, M21 has been obsolete for many years), and that type M19 could also be used, but the resonant frequency would be lower. It was stated that a ‘harmonic’ could be used, such as 200 Hz, and that would work also. We decided to look for a peak power point (fundamental resonant frequency) between 1733 RPM (116 Hz output frequency) and 3008 RPM (200 Hz output), as this seemed a reasonable speed range for the mechanical setup (Witts’ maChine is running about 2450 RPM in the latest video) .




我们之前提过,只要机器作好了,要让这台变频发电机达成谐振发电并不难。 WITTS指导我们要将电容的电子谐振搭配核心本身的机械谐振,而输出频率应该是400赫兹左右。另外WIITS说核心要使用M21磁钢片。由于M21已经停产许多年,所以我们改用M19磁钢片,谐振频率会低一点。我们决定采用了200赫兹之间的谐振点,来寻找最大输出值(从每分钟1733转的116赫兹到每分钟3008转的200赫兹)。这样的转速范围对QEG的机械结构应该挺合理的。 (WITTS的最新短片中的展示机是每分钟2450转)


We arranged a test using small increments of capacitance (about 7 nF each) starting at the low RPM end (about 1733 RPM, with C of 332 nF). We did 45 iterations, in order of increasing frequency, with the input power fixed at 700 watts. The target was to plot output power against input power to try to develop a bell curve showing a peak resonant frequency. After 43 iterations, we went back to the first C/RPM value to verify it had not changed, and added one more iteration at an extra-low frequency (1727 Hz = 115Hz output frequency). We also did one shot with the input power fixed at 900 Watts (see attached tabbed spreadsheet “QEG Resonance Plot.xlsx”).


我们安排了小电容的叠加实验(一颗电容约7奈法拉)。最初转速是每分钟1733转的低转速,电容量是332奈法拉。我们作了45次试机,好增加输出频率,而输入功率是700瓦。实验目的是要把输入跟输出功率划分开来,并且画出一个能找到最高谐振频率的钟型曲线。第43次试机之后,我们又重新测一次第一次的转速电容组合,以确保结果是一致的。我们在第45次试机用特别低的频率作测试(转速是1727转,115赫兹)。我们也作了一次用900瓦输入的实验。 (请看QEG谐振划分时间的EXCEL表格)


As can be seen from the data, the expected trend did not really emerge from this test. The curve is quite flat (no curve) in the targeted speed range, and there is no obvious increase in power. The extreme low RPM end has the best power output and phase lock effect, which also seems to increase linearly as frequency is reduced. However this result doesn’t really fit with the mechanical setup (maChine is running too slow) or with expectations from the WITTS instructions. We are currently testing at 3000 RPM (200 Hz) and above, to determine whether or not there is a peak power point in this range (which seems too fast).




It’s possible the 7nF steps we used were too large, but not likely that the peak resonant point would be that sharp. If we do not find a peak in the range of 200 Hz and above, we will assume that the exciter coil must be in place and operational to be able to find the ‘sweet spot’ in tuning the capacitors to the core resonance. We are determined to document and publish the technique necessary to do this ‘etheric’ tuning.




We have also heard from others who have taken the WITTS classes, that an antenna of 20 to 50 feet in length, along with the earth ground(s), are important to bring energy in from the environment, and that the exciter coil can be connected in the primary circuit or the secondary circuit. We will try all possible combinations of these connections, and report our findings in Part 2 of this update.




We are having some preliminary success with the exciter coil wired in series with the primary, at a nominal RPM/C value of 2700/140nF. The output is loaded with 6100 Watt, 240V incandescent lamps, wired in series to provide a relatively light load , but allowing the output voltage to rise as high as 1440 volts (240 Volts X 6). While adjusting the rotor speed to provide about 500 Volts output, we have a small spark in the gap. We have been able to tickle the spark gap and keep a small arc going for several seconds at a time.




We will continue with testing for a max resonance point in the speed range of 200 Hz and above, and also with examining exciter coil effects on power output. We will provide results and analysis of testing in Part 2 of this update, in a few days .




We are very grateful to 3 of our UK guys who have provided a complete array of test equipment, delivered personally last night here in Morocco. This will be invaluable to us for ongoing development, and to publish readings and results.








翻译: Patrick Shih




