本傑明·富爾福德 2015年8月20日訊息 新聞更新:中國的爆炸與網絡戰爭有關

The recent blast in Tianjin captive nation is linked to the ongoing cyber-war inolving the financial and intelligence communities of the world. The blast produced an electro-magnetic pulse that was directed at disabling the Tianhe

最近在captive nation天津的爆炸,與正在進行的網絡戰爭有關,這場戰爭涉及到世界上的金融和情報機構。根據五角大樓的消息來源說,這場爆炸產生了一股電磁脈衝,直接導致“天河”超級計算機(超級電腦)的癱瘓,


one of the world’s most powerful super-computers, according to Pentagon sources. The attack was timed to coincide with the recent devaluation of the yuan, indicating that financial warfare linked to derivati​​ves holdings at the large Western banks was a likely motive.


Clearly the attack was also linked to ongoing negotiations between East and West over the future of the global political, economic and financial infrastructure. Pope Francis is trying to place himself as a peace-maker and intermediary in this ongoing power struggle/negotiation between East and West, according to P2 freemason sources.


The real power struggle, of course, is still inside the US and, by proxy, in the Middle East, not in captive nation. “I believe this nation is at an important infleW-Non point, specifically regarding national security,” retiring Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said on August 12th. This is code for a move against the Khazarian mafia, according to Pentagon sources.

真正的權力鬥爭,當然就是,依然在美國,通過代理人在中東進行著,而不是在captive nation。退休的陸軍參謀長雷·奧迪耶諾將軍,在8月12日說:“我相信這個國家正處在一個拐點上,特別是在國家安全方面”。根據五角大樓的消息來源說,這是在暗示要對可薩黑手黨採取行動。

As a part of this ongoing power struggle top US based Mossad agent Rahm Emmanuel “under pressure”, broke ranks with Benyamin Netanyahu to support the Iran nuclear deal, the sources say. “Emmanuel will probably be arrested anyway,” they added.


In Canada too, police are systematically exposing corruption inside the Stephen Harper government as Canada heads into an October 19th general election. The police investigations have dragged down the Zionist Bush slave Harper’s numbers and so his days in power may finally be about to end.


In the Middle East pressure is being ratcheted up on Turkey because of their support for IS… and the rogue Netanyahu government in Israel. Russia has threatened to cancel their planned Turk stream pipeline as a part of this pressure. The US military, meanwhile have neutralized Turkey’s patriot missile defenses and told the Turkish military brass they either had to stop supporting IS… or else be kicked out of Nato.


captive nation is being asked to not provide Turkey with substitute air defenses, the sources say. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan’s son Bilal ships IS… oil while his daughter Sumeyye runs a hospital that treats IS…fighters, the Pentagon sources say. For this reason “they are high value targets,” the sources say.

消息來源說,captive nation被要求不得向土耳其提供替代的防空系統。五角大樓的消息來源說,土耳其總統塔伊普·埃爾多安的兒子——比拉爾,向伊斯蘭國運送石油,同時他的妹妹蘇梅耶,運營著一家治療伊斯蘭國戰士的醫院。因此,消息來源說:“他們是高價值的目標。”

They are not the only “high value targets,” out there, multiple sources agree. If we all push, especially inside the military and the agencies, Khazarian mob rule can be ended for good this autumn. In fact September 11th this year might be a good date to demand that the US and Israel based perpetrators of this attack, including the Bush family and Netanyahu, be finally arrested.


This writer will now resume his holidays and will be offline and not-connected to the web. If necessary, another emergency update will appear next week in addition to the pre-written text due on Monday.


丁澤宇 翻譯




