
Video: Fmr. Sen. Harry Reid repeats claim UFOs made US nukes unlaunchable; wants investigation





2020年10月06日LAURA WIDENER

翻譯 兔兒



Former U.S. Senator Harry Reid repeated claims in a new documentary that UFOs interfered in U.S nuclear weapons facilities – even prohibiting the weapons’ launch altogether.    In the documentary “The Phenomenon” that released Tuesday, Reid said, repeating claims told to him, “If they had been called upon by the president to launch [the nukes] they couldn’t have done it.”



在週二發佈的紀錄片《現象》(the Phenomenon)中,里德說,他反復告訴他,“當時若總統要求他們發射(核武器),他們在那時是無法達成命令的。” 






Reid, who was a prominent figure in forming the Department of Defense’s secret UFO program, said there have been numerous UFO sightings by nuclear launch officers.







He did not elaborate on any additional details supporting his claims in the documentary, but said “most” UFO research “hasn’t seen the light of day.”


他並沒有在紀錄片中仔細說明任何其它的細節來證實他的說法,但他表示“大多數”的UFO研究仍 “未見天日”。




“Nobody has to agree why it’s there, but shouldn’t we at least be spending some money to study this phenomenon?” he said in the documentary. “Shouldn’t we study the stuff? The answer’s yes. And that’s all this was about. And why the federal government all these years has covered up, put brake pads on everything, stopped it. I think it’s very, very bad for our country.”


他在紀錄片中說:“沒有人必須同意UFO為什麼出現在那裡,但難道我們不應該至少花一點錢來研究這種現象嗎? 我們不應該研究這些東西嗎?答案是肯定的,就是如此。 為什麼聯邦政府這麼多年來一直掩蓋真相,阻擋了所有事情。 我認為這對我們的國家非常、非常糟糕。”






Reid isn’t the first to discuss UFOs’ interference of nuclear weapons.  Prominent UFO researcher Robert Hastings alleged in 2010 that at least 120 former U.S. service members had witnessed UFOs flying around nuclear weapons facilities, some of whom claimed nuclear weapons became inoperable in the presence of UFOs, CBS News reported.


里德並不是第一個討論UFO干擾核武器的人。 據CBS新聞報導,著名UFO研究員羅伯特•哈斯廷斯在2010年聲稱,至少120名前美國服役人員目睹了UFO在核武器設施周圍飛行,其中一些人聲稱,在UFO存在的情況下,核武器無法使用。 





Reports of UFOs interfering with U.S. military operations aren’t new.  In fact, Congress has pressured the Pentagon for answers on reports of UFOs flying through military airspace.  The Pentagon formed the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force in August in an effort to improve its identification and insight into UFOs, as well as their potential threat to national security.


關於不明飛行物干擾美國軍事行動的報導並不新鮮。事實上,國會已經向五角大樓施壓,要求其就有關不明飛行物飛越軍事空域的報告作出答覆。五角大樓於今年8月成立了“不明空中現象專案小組(Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force,UAPTF)”,以增強對不明飛行物的識試和剖析,以及它們對國家安全的潛在威脅。 





Department of Defense spokesperson Sue Gough said in August, “The Department of Defense established the UAPTF to improve its understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of UAPs.  The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security.”


國防部發言人Sue Gough在8月時說:“ 國防部成立不明空中現象專案小組(UAPTF)是為了提升我們對於不明空中現象(UAP) 的性質和起源有更深入的瞭解。 專案小組的任務是對美國國家安全構成威脅的不明空中現象進行調查、分析和分級。”




The Department of Defense and the military departments take any incursions by unauthorized aircraft into our training ranges or designated airspace very seriously and examine each report. This includes examinations of incursions that are initially reported as UAP when the observer cannot immediately identify what he or she is observing,” Gough added.









The task force’s formation comes about three months after the Pentagon released three official videos showing “unidentified aerial phenomena.” One of the videos showed a November 2004 encounter and the two others showed a January 2015 encounter with UAPs.


這支專案小組是在五角大樓公佈三支內容為 “不明空中現象” 的官方影片的三個月後建立的。 不明空中現象的目擊影片其中一支於2004年11月拍攝,另外兩支影片皆於2015年1月所拍攝。




















本文出處網址: https://www.golden-ages.org/2021/09/01/20210901/

