Sisterhood of the Rose
Sisterhood of the Rose is a spiritual group formed by twelve women. These women understand Goddess energy and knowledge of mystery schools. They have a high level of consciousness and spirituality. They don’t compete but respect each other. They do not brag of their beauty or spirituality. Every member is aware of her own inner beauty. They also accept their own bodies very well. Body, mind and spirituality are all equally important.
Members of the sisterhood are willing to support and help each other. This is an important idea for the return of the Goddess in a new society. The old society is full of competition. Everyone tries to control others. Everyone is obsessed with comparing and competing with each other. In fact, comparing and competing with each other is not right. If our self-esteem is based on who is prettier, more successful, or richer than others, this self-esteem does not represent who we really are.
High Priestesses of the sisterhood are all connected with the Source. They are masters of energy. They know how to keep their own energy while connecting with each other and with Source energy. They have no shame or guilt about their bodies. They do not feel they are not good enough.
We live on Earth and Five Elements are very important to us. By exploring Goddess energy, women will understand how Five Elements work. There was a group of high priestesses in Atlantis. They mastered the mysteries of Five Elements and Goddess energy. These priestesses were known as Sisterhood of the Rose. After the fall of Atlantis, they were trained and initiated in Isis Mystery School in Egypt. Sisterhood of the Rose has cultivated several famous people in history.
The most famous members of the sisterhood are Mother Mary, Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is the patron saint of virgins. She has been discredited as a prostitute in Christian history. This is absolutely wrong. Mary Magdalene was a highly gifted student who received the highest level of initiation at Egyptian Mystery School of Isis. She knew how to transmute physical sex energy into spiritual energy with her heart chakra. She could then use that spiritual energy to connect with the Source . Mary Magdalene also helped Jesus overcome his final trial after he was crucified. All hidden history and knowledge will slowly be revealed to the public in order to let them know the secrets of the Goddess.
If we want to experience Goddess energy, we must remove the feelings of shame, guilt or jealousy from ourselves. All these emotions have to be healed. When you feel jealous and ignore the connection with yourself, you create bad relationships with others. Bad social relationships cause people to steal and manipulate energy mutually. High Priestesses do not steal or control others’ energy. They do not seek love by drawing attention for themselves, nor do they deliberately demand love from others.
Many women in our society do not have a mature mind. They don’t heal their suppressed sexual energy, but they use sex to please men, which is also a way of manipulation. Female energy is magnetic energy. If girls want to be attractive, just be true to yourself, no matter how tall or short; how fat or thin you are. A girl being herself is the most attractive. Once you begin to accept the body your parents gave you, your body will begin to change in the way you want. You will have an aura that is more beautiful than any model on TV. If a woman does not express her spiritual spark and inner beauty through her body, she is not truly beautiful. If you attract others by manipulating their energy, it will backfire in the long run. If a girl wants to radiate her feminine attraction, just be herself. Healthy female energy is magnetic.
Male energy is like an electric spark. The more a man can be himself, the more masculine he will be. That masculinity is very attractive to women, just like a woman’s magnetism attracts men. So why do some people have strong charisma while others don’t?
Charisma is a spark of soul radiating outward. I will teach you how to activate your chakras and spread mass appeal. I used to take aerobic dance classes when I was young and it was a little frustrating to meet other girls. Every time I asked someone to dance with me, those girls would only compete with their appearance, clothes, and their dance skills. Whoever didn’t meet their standard would be excluded. That was not what I wanted. Aerobic dance should not be like this. In the end, I danced by myself.
Later, I started to travel around the world to find women who shared the same idea. I am so happy to have met so many sisters who have Goddess Consciousness around the world. Together we share the inner knowledge and beauty of the Goddess. Together we will bring Sisterhood of the Rose back to this world. There are beautiful flowers on the altar, which one do you think is more beautiful?
Everyone in the conference room: They all are beautiful.
Yes, they are all equally beautiful.
The idea is the same for women who have Goddess Consciousness. When a woman looks at other women through Goddess Consciousness, she will feel that they are very beautiful as well. This idea will make her more and more beautiful. When a woman looks at men with Goddess Consciousness, she will feel that they are brave and handsome warriors.
Male energy was used for hunting and warfare in ancient times, but now men can use their energy to become rainbow warriors of Light. In the past, high priests and priestesses had to learn how to grow plants. They had to connect with animals and respect all aspects of life.
I later experienced many spiritual awakenings. Many spiritual animals came to me. When a lion came to me, I felt very powerful. Spiritual awakening means that you know to set a reasonable boundary to protect yourself and not to observe this world with a critical mind. The key to becoming a high priest or high priestess is to let go of your judgment toward others .
If someone hurts you, we need to know that person is hurt as well. We have to release our own trauma and not get stucked into victim mentality. Victory of the Light for men and women on Earth means that we let go of our past traumas. It means that we stop thinking of ourselves as a shy little boy or a hurt little girl. We have to let go of all negative feelings. You have to think that you are not helpless. You are all powerful. Everything is a choice and there is no more trauma. Now is the time to surrender. Surrender to female energy for the victory of the Light. We begin to support each other, and we are no longer alone. We can feel loved and supported in such a group. We have to be unified with each other. That is our strength.
Society is always creating divisions. It asks us to watch TV, play computer games, and care about trivial things. If we come together, we are a strong force. We respect and support each other. We are all equal in this circle. We need to let go of the idea of who is more important and return to our inner simplicity and innocence. High Priestesses of Sisterhood of the Rose support each other and love each other. They also pray together for the Earth and all beings on Earth. They also use ceremonies to support the actions of their male members. Knights Templar is the male counterpart of the sisterhood.
Holy Grail and Energy Channel
Sisterhood of the Rose also knows another secret: the legendary Holy Grail. What exactly is the Holy Grail?
In fact, everyone is a chalice, a conduit for anchoring divine energy on Earth. The mystery of the Grail is to allow the Goddess to come into our bodies; to let her return to Earth, and to transmit Goddess energy for others and the Earth. It is about remaining pure, respecting all things in the universe, and surrendering to the energy that guides you.
There are three snakes in a human body. When I dance, I can feel the presence of three serpents , and my hands are dancing like two serpents. The left hand is the female snake, Ida. The right hand is the male snake, Pingala. The third snake is the central channel – sushumna.
Goddess mystery schools taught their students how to make those two serpents of Goddess energy dance around each other.
When two snakes create a spiral, all energies will be generated at the present. When you enter such a spiral, you can enter the past, now and future simultaneously. It will balance every chakra and our ways of giving and receiving. It will also balance our cells and DNA. Entering spiral consciousness is to enter a sacred space of the Goddess. There is no way to describe this knowledge and feeling in words. You have to experience it yourself. You have to understand this feeling of becoming One inside through a conversion-inversion vortex.
Becoming Chalice of Light is to return to our true nature and our true purpose.The Grail has many dimensions: physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and so on. There are two energies in the chalice, which are also the energies of the universe. These two energies are divine feminine energy and divine masculine energy.
Whenever we channel the energy from Heaven and Earth, we become open vehicles. We become Chalice of Light. We will become Chalice of light which is our true nature. We can see a rainbow in a white light. A Rainbow is essentially white light. There is a rainbow-like energy channel in the center of our body Each chakra corresponds to every color of a rainbow. Life is Light. Creation itself is Light. Life is like a flashing flame.
Chinese culture has the concept of Yin and Yang. Today, our main goal is to learn how to balance Yin and Yang- divine feminine and divine masculine energies. We now have to stop separating and suppressing divine feminine energy. We must now integrate the divine feminine energy into our bodies. The more balanced these two energies are, the more capable we are to become Chalice of Light.
When I choose to become Chalice of Light, I am the rainbow bridge between Heaven and Earth, allowing all Light to enter my body at different levels. Only our physical bodies are limited by time and space. Ascension happens from every level at the same time. If you resist your emotions, you will create a blockage. If you reject your thoughts and perceptions, there will be a blockage as well. Ascension begins with true acceptance of your own nature. It begins with accepting divine feminine energy.
The Past and Future of Sisterhood of the Rose
Ancient women who could connect to Goddess energy would meet together in secret. They were the guardians of sacred flame. As the keepers of sacred flame, they could never let the flame be extinguished. They had a member whose specific mission was to guard the candle flame and perform a ritual of passing the flame during the gathering.
In ancient times, women would gather together in a form pretty like a sorority or a sisterhood. Long time ago, there were sisterhoods of sacred women, such as the sisterhood formed by Goddesses Isis, Maat, and Sekhmet. It was a sisterhood formed by a group of Goddesses.
What is the significance of such groups? They have existed to this day. Once we are in such a group we can empower other members. We can support and cheer each other up. We will move forward together with common goals and ideals. All sisterhoods of the Rose have the same goal. That is to bring Light and Love into spiritual matters. When members of a sisterhood have a physical meeting, they would gather in a sacred circle where everyone is equally important. Everyone in the circle is an important part of this complete mandala of Oneness.
Once we understand the consciousness of the Sisterhood, the founding purpose of it will begin to return. Members of the sisterhood are receiving unconditional inner guidance. Everyone in this group is connected to his or her own I AM Presence. They are also aware of their free will.
Members of the sisterhood will guide their actions with their hearts. When a sister receives instructions to help someone, the rest of the group will come to support her. When another sister receives guidance, other members will come to bless and support her. There is no competition in a sisterhood. When you understand Goddess Presence, you are Chalice of Light. When you know your true identity, there would be no need for jealousy. There would be no need to compete or compare with others. Everyone will seek unconditional love.
Members of the sisterhood adore, love, respect and support each other. They are the role models of our new society. Everyone in the group will support each other. There will be no ego. Everyone knows his /her free will. Everyone respects each other’s choice. Each person knows that I am that I AM. Everyone in the organization collectively and individually brings spirituality into physical matters. As above, so below- this will become the new reality of our society.
How to run a sisterhood of the Rose
When members of a sisterhood of the Rose hold a physical meeting, they can do Goddess Vortex Meditation. They can sing Om Mani Padme Hum to invoke Guan Yin. They can also invoke the Presence of Goddess Isis. Sisterhoods of the Rose not only support the Event but also each other. Both men and women should support each other. They should anchor Love energy into their hearts and on the Earth.
Members of the sisterhood can bring flowers, music and food to their physical meetings. They will support and love each other. They can talk and communicate with each other. There is no fixed way of holding a physical meeting. Basically, members can share their feelings and many things in life. Sisterhood of the Rose is a group whose members will support each other. You can also bring some spiritual items and make your meeting a celebration in your life.
Sisterhoods of the Rose should hold physical meetings regularly. Members of the sisterhood are basically women but men are also welcomed if they want to join. The key is to transmit goddess energy to Earth.
Goddess Mystery
The greatest ancient mystery is allowing Goddess to live inside your body. Only high priestesses can be initiated into this mystery.
Circular Society
We can contribute a lot to a new circular society as long as we are doing our tasks. In the new society, we no longer need to fight or compete with each other. We can let go of all judgment. We are all equal. Everyone knows his or her inner purpose.
In a circular society, everyone knows what needs to be done at present. People in such a society respect each other and enjoy healthy relationships. My free will in this society will not violate others’ freedom. New society will be based on everyone’s free will. When we live in this society, this circular mandala, our existence will increase each other’s power. There will be no selfish thought or behavior out of ego. Everyone will be balanced and respected. What’s more important, there will be balance between God and Goddess.
Reference: 2014 Taipei Victory of the Light Conference, 2016 Chiang Mai Ascension Conference and 2016 Taipei Ascension Conference