Noted by Nogi
Revised by Patrick
This document is based on a handwritten note of words overheard by a note-taker at the workshop organized by COBRA in Taipei, Taiwan, which were later transcribed. Therefore, please read it with the benefit of your discernment and common sense that mishearing, writing errors and omissions are visible, so these notes are not 100% accurate. Please note that all images in this document have been added at the discretion of the note taker and are not the intention of the main speaker of the workshop, Cobra. Please also note that no questions regarding the content of this document will be accepted.
Morning session
Cobra: Everybody, welcome to the workshop!
Today, we are going to start the process of preparation for next year. There is a lot to talk about 2025. I hope to clarify the process. I still cannot disclose some things before next year. I certainly cannot talk about the second half of next year.
I would like to ask you Not to disclose those notes until January 11th 2025. There are several reasons for that. One reason is that a certain process needs to be completed before this information publicly. You also need to go through your own process of reconfiguration. Everything needs to be set. So, January 11th is the date you can release the information in your blog to talk with everybody who is open to this kind of information.
When you release information, please do not force anybody. Many people are not ready for this information. Only the people who are ready to receive this can receive it.
The purpose of this workshop is to prepare for next year 2025. This workshop is connected energetically with things that will happen in next year. I have already mentioned this portal a few times in my blog. But I was informed many times not to mention anything about this portal, so I could release very little information about it.
This portal is so important and so huge. This portal will open in a very critical period and situation on the surface of the planet. So I will prepare this group as much as possible today.
After this workshop, we will have a conference in Kyoto, Japan at the beginning of next year. Gradually, as 2025 progresses, I will release more and more information. Today, certain information about it will be released.
Portal 2025
This portal is opening next year with many events. This is a portal between two reality systems. Some of the information you will receive today is quite advanced and complex, so if you do not understand, you might understand later.
I will explain certain astrological configurations which will occur next year.
The astrological configurations next year are extremely important. Whatever happens next year would be very crazy, but there are long-term consequences for the whole planet. Actually, the process itself has already begun this November.
Here is the chart depicting the movement of three outer planets from 2023-2029
The red line is Pluto. They will make harmonious curves. As you can see in 2025, the three planets are coming together for the first time. After they make contact this year, they keep meeting in the coming years. This is a rare configuration that happens every 500 years. This is the so-called Renaissance cycle. Last time this happened was during the 16th century. It was the time of the Renaissance. During the previous Renaissance, printing machines were invented.
Everybody knows that the Renaissance was started in Florence, but the real influence was in Venice. When Pluto, Uranus and Neptune formed the astrological configuration, the first publishing houses were founded in Venice. Those companies brought a revolution in human consciousness because humans were finally able to reach real information through mass printed books—it was a mass awakening of human consciousness.
The real awakening will not happen with the internet. The real awakening is coming with the First Contact and full disclosure. The real awakening is triggered by the spiritual energy coming from the galactic center.
This process has been happening. The year 2023-24, it has begun. So we are in the middle of this process. This same process is becoming very intense in the next 3-4 years. 2025 is the key moment of this process.
2025 is the key moment of this whole process. And the key player is Pluto in Aquarius. That process has already started in March 2023. I had a big conference in Taiwan during this period. After Pluto spent some nice time in Aquarius, then it went to Capricorn in June. It again went into Aquarius on November 19th this year. From now on, Pluto will stay in Aquarius for about 20 years.
During the following 20 years, Pluto in Aquarius will manifest the First Contact and full disclosure. That process started immediately when Pluto entered Aquarius on Tuesday November 19. On that day, there was a certain hearing session in the US government right at the moment,
There was a confidential part and a public part of the session. The confidential part was given at the last one hour of Pluto in Capricorn. And then, there was a short break for 10-15 minutes. When Pluto finally entered Aquarius, there was a public part of the session. On November 19th, various plasma ships appeared in the sky around the United States. Secret Space Program in the US military has sent a lot of plasma ships. There were even photos and videos of the sight.
This is the flow of next year. I will explain as much as possible although I cannot talk about certain things yet. As you see, this will be a very intense period. You have Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Sedna. They are signifying a 25,000 year cycle.
I will not go into much detail, I want you to see that the movement of these planets are so intense. They are creating a very strong resonance field for our planet. I have talked about the Grand Trine of three outer planets in past conferences, so I will not talk in detail. But this will start a certain process which cannot be revealed yet. I will probably publish this chart in my blog. I will also explain about many intersections shown in the chart.
I can only mention some important periods. The first one is the portal we are already in, so called the portal of preparedness. The portal will open during the time between November 22nd until January 21st. The Light forces will have a lot of progress during this period. Strong purifications are expected, also more exposure to darkness is expected. This will be a very intense period.
The period from November 21 this year to January 21 next year is a crucial time frame. During this time, the Light Forces will make significant progress and have many potential opportunities, while the dark forces will launch strong counterattacks. Everyone should prepare during this Preparation Portal. This is why we are having a workshop today and a conference in Japan at the beginning of next year.
After the next January 21st, there will be a necessary phase of purification and clearing. This will be very intense. Between January 21 and March next year, the Light Forces will take some actions on the surface world.
In the next March, Neptune will enter Aries, introducing a whole new wave of spiritual energy and impulses. Between April and June next year, this spiritual impulse will be strongly felt in the surface world.
The full moon and Vesak in the next May will also be a very important and intense period .Every one hundred years, Ascended masters gather at Mt. Himalaya and send spiritual energies to the surface of the planet. The last time it happened was in 1925, so the next time will be in May 2025. We can expect a strong spiritual energy coming in from April to June next year.
Uranus will enter Gemini next July. When Uranus enters Gemini, it will inspire humanity and bring a surge of creativity. Uranus will create an explosive energy. This is a very potent process, but I cannot disclose too much information yet.
In the first half of next year, things on the surface might appear as business as usual; however, the second half of the year will be incredibly exciting and dynamic. will showcase phenomena we've never seen before. For now, I cannot discuss the events of the second half of the year; let's focus on the first half.
Some astrologers are already talking about this period, but none of them got a whole picture.
More about astrology. The mid-point between Uranus, Pluto and Neptune is important. As you can see here, you have a very interesting curve. Green line is Neptune. Those planets made first contact in September this year. There was the first spiritual impulse that came in, which was very strong. That was the first wave of the new renaissance. Another one is coming on January 6th next year, during the conference in Kyoto. There will be another one next August. There will be more in 2026. Each of the intersections will make a very strong spiritual impulse to humanity because they are the impulse of the new renaissance.
When Pluto reaches the midpoint, it generates a powerful energy pulse that impacts the surface world. These pulses will all contribute to the New Renaissance. New Renaissance process has begun since Pluto entered Aquarius on November 19th.This process will reshape Earth’s reality.
Sedna is an asteroid with a vast orbit t that reaches to outside of the solar system.. It will form powerful alignments with planets in the solar system and the Pleiades star cluster, generating strong spiritual pulses to complete the next 25,000-year cosmic cycle. In ten days, Pluto and Sedna will form a trine. We can already feel this energy. This alignment will enhance everyone’s free will. This is bringing us the energy of Empowerment. We are now getting the power back after 25,000 years. After next weekend, we will get the power back!
During the winter solstice, Sedna will form a conjunction with Alcyone (the sixth star of the Pleiades). This conjunction will bring a powerful spiritual energy that will empower the Pleiadians even more. We can already sense this energy, and it will continue until the first week of January next year. Currently, the Pleiadians are carrying out critical actions in the solar system and the surface world. I hope to share more information in the next one or two weeks. The Pleiadians are preparing for wonderful events. They have been implementing new plans and strategies to return to the solar system, a process that began earlier this year. The new plan is now quite extended.
Another important matter is the return of Master Saint Germain. He is coming back also, and he will be more active than ever before. His main focus is the United States where he is involved in the New Atlantis project. He is preparing to activate New Atlantis energies in America and assisting local secret societies. These preparations aim to facilitate public disclosures involving certain individuals. Saint Germain is also collaborating as much as possible with Trump’s administration team. Besides his work in the U.S., Saint Germain is assisting the entire planet. Those who are ready will be able to learn the energies of the New Golden Age from him.
A very huge transformation is happening in the solar system and heliopause. Heliopause is the edge of our solar system, where the solar plasma encounters interstellar plasma. Many huge motherships from advanced cosmic civilizations are gathering around the region. They are sending powerful energy pulses to prepare the solar system for big transformations. All galactic cintamani stones and regular cintamani stones both underground and on the surface of the planet will be activated next year
People who wear cintamani stones and other tektites will feel that their stones become activated because those beings from other galaxies will use these stones as anchor points to transmit high-dimensional energies. Those stones are becoming energy portals that transfer energies from higher-dimensional worlds. All cintamani stones buried around Taiwan will become even more powerful next year.
Earlier versions
Latest completed version
Q&A Session 1
Q:Recently, martial law was suddenly declared in South Korea. Is this related to the event?
A:That is a completely different situation. Martial law during the Event will be entirely different from the recent farce in South Korea. The martial law during the Event is meant to ensure public safety and arrest the Cabal.
Q:So, what is happening in South Korea now?
A:The situation in South Korea stems from mutual infiltration between the North and South, as well as political infighting within South Korea, leading to martial law.
Q:Was there any ascended being reincarnated in India in the 1900s?
A:They appeared very rarely. I would say yes, they appeared in India in the early 1900s, but their appearances were extremely rare.
Q:What will happen to the current education system after the Event?
A:It will be much different. It will involve a holographic technology-based system. It will be more logic based on the truth unlike today. So it will be much easier, more efficient, more intelligent.
Q:How can we get our past life's memories back?
A:Through hypnosis. Find a professional hypnotherapist to guide you in recalling your past lives under a semi-hypnotic state.
Q:You reported recently that China made some huge strategic mistakes this year and the Light Forces have decided to support the United States instead to create breakthroughs. Does their mistake have anything to do with what Li Family has done this year?
A:Yes, it has something to do with the Li family.
Q:Thanks to the cintamani grid around Taiwan, no typhoon has actually landed for the past few years. However, three or four typhoons landed this year. What is going on?
A:It is because the protection is not absolute. There have been many infiltrations into Taiwan since, I would say, 5 years ago. These forces are not so strong, so they will be gone soon. But I would say, the energetic situation in Taiwan is much better than anywhere else in the world. If you think the cintamani grid in Taiwan is not strong enough, you can try moving to other countries.
Reversed time loop
I will speak about the new doorway that is opening. Some of this information will be quite advanced. It’s okay if you don’t understand them now. You might understand in future.
In the future, there will be a significant shift in the causality process. Causality means how one event is causing the other events.
During this cosmic cycle, there was a certain way how an event happens. Basically, there is an interaction between Freewill and Anomaly. This interaction creates space/time. This interaction creates the direction of time. This is how the time flows; from now to the future.
The lower light cone represents everything that has happened in the past, while the upper light cone represents everything that may happen in the future. With this time vector; time passes from the past, present, and into the future. The space plane in the diagram is a projection of the higher-dimensional world onto a two-dimensional plane.
Our I AM Presence acts as the observer. We observe the light cone with our I AM Presence. As observers, our I AM Presence uses free will to create spacetime. Everything that has occurred in the past influences our I AM Presence, and everything that might happen in the future also affects the present moment.
The interaction between two timelines can influence the present moment. This is how space/time is created until now.
However, there is another way in which time flows, though its probability of occurrence is very low. This phenomenon is called a reversed time loop. Through a reversed time loop, which events in the future can influence the past.
The events of the future are the cumulative result of the combined free will of all beings. The future version of ourselves already knows what will happen. Hence, the future "us" can send a signal to the present "I AM Presence." This process creates a rift in the spacetime continuum, allowing more positive events to be manifested in the future.This is how we create a positive timeline. However, such occurrences are rare. That process is already happening but to very little degree because almost nobody is aware of it. The future "us" knows what is best. The future "us" continuously sends signals to the present, guiding us in making the right decisions and choices that lead to the best possible timeline. The transmission of these signals from the future will intensify gradually after the 12:21 Portal opens next year.
Code 12:21
Let me briefly explain the meaning of this code. 12:21 is a unique star code. It represents the interaction between the Absolute and Anomaly. The Absolute can use this code to transform all anomalies in the universe.
Code 12:21 is an upgraded version of the 11:11 doorway. 11:11 was first opened in 1992, and it closed on November 22nd. It was A 32-year process. Code 11:11 was anchored on this plane by a female visionary -Solara. She taught the knowledge of this portal, enabling the code to be firmly anchored on Earth. This November, she held the final anchoring ceremony in Peru.
Nogi from Japan: So we had 2 weeks of ceremonies in November to close the 11:11 doorway which had been open for more than 30 years. There were more than 30 participants from all over the world. During the ceremonies, Solara broke her left leg. She had difficult times deciding whether she continues the ceremonies or not. Maybe some of you remember that we had a mass meditation to heal Solara. We felt that suddenly there was cosmic protection to our group. Solara has decided to continue the ceremonies. And on November 22, we completely closed the 11:11 doorway. We also embodied the highest beings that can be embodied in physical plane, called Anutara, which was very successful. I would like to say, thanks to your support, we could successfully close the 11:11 doorway. Thank you very much! [applause]
Cobra: With the successful completion of 11:11, the bridge is permanently established. So, there is always a doorway into Oneness opening.
Even in the quantum fluctuation field, there is always the doorway, and you can go beyond the doorway anytime you want. What is beyond 11:11? That is our next step. That is the Code 12:21, which will be activated in the second part of next year.
With the successful closure of the 11:11 doorway , a breakthrough has been created, allowing more energy of oneness to flow into the universe. The oneness portal has always existed on a quantum level. With the closing of the 11:11 Stargate, we now prepare to transition into the 12:21 Portal, which will open in the second half of next year.
This is a short excerpt from the book written by Solara. “Antarion Conversion” is a process in which the different reality systems can communicate. When we have two very different reality systems, they can not communicate directly. Antarion Conversion Serves as a bridge, facilitating the transformation and alignment between these reality systems.
Neptune will conjunct with the midpoint of Uranus. This configuration creates a powerful energetic resonance field within the solar system, enabling the portal to be activated.
In the diagram, the left side represents the past—events that have already occurred—and the right side symbolizes the future, which has yet to unfold. The Antarion Conversion sits at the center point, where the past and future converge and transform. All these temporal portals will flow into the central point of the 12:21 Portal. This conversion gateway signifies the beginning of a new process, enabling communication between the future and the present.
Through this central point, the future can send insights and guidance to the present. In the future universe, everything is unified. This perfect, harmonious universe continuously transmits signals to the current universe, aiding in its evolution. All problems within the universe have already been resolved in the future state. This perfect universe directs energy and knowledge to the present moment, offering pathways to harmony and resolution.
The quantum fluctuation resonator has the same structure. It is an application of higher-dimensional physics in the physical plane. At its center lies a sacred geometric configuration that creates a resonant field, balancing and adjusting the very fabric of time itself. 12:21 is a conversion point which can harmonize the time flow of 11th dimension.
For the very first time, we will be able to receive many signals from the future. Humanity is almost evolved enough to understand those future signals, but we are not there yet.
Signals from the future will impact the entire sub-quantum structure of the universe. The Earth's spacetime structure will be filtered and influenced through this portal, allowing for significant shifts in our collective experience and reality.
ISIS and Sirius
It is notable to see how the Portal 12:21 is connected with the goddess ISIS.
12 12 12
Goddess ISIS is from the Sirius star system, which is very much connected with Code 12:21. Sirius star system is holding the Light in this sector of the universe. Even during the darkest history in the galaxy, Sirius was never invaded by dark forces.
As the Sirius system completes its orbit cycle in 2025 when the distance between Sirius A and B will reach its farthest point, cintamani stones from Sirius will be fully activated.
The portal of preparedness makes us ready for next year. It begins with the closing of 11:11. We will have a very strong activation on December 21st. The activation will bring a lot of Pleiadean energy to the surface of the Earth. On January 21, this portal of preparedness will be completed. Donald Trump will be inaugurated one day before.
This astrological configuration is so powerful and possibly brings some instabilities and violence, but it also brings the energy of breakthrough.
Light forces will find a way to intervene in the surface situations. This period will be quite a challenging time because there are still so many things that need to be purified.
Q&A Session 2
Before we have a short break, I can answer a few of your questions regarding what I just said about the topic.
Q:Does Code 12:21 have anything to do with Command 12:21?
A:Of course. Command 12:21 protocol 1221 is directly tied to the opening of the 12:21 Portal. Its is meant to help activate this huge portal/
Q:If the hyperspace that forms time is influenced by free will, and the timeline results from the interaction of the past and present, can I change the past and future by altering my consciousness?
A:Your free will always change the future. Our free will directly influence the future. So the future is always changing. By adjusting our consciousness, we can influence the past, present, and future. Our perceptions and awareness can alter the flow of time.
Q:By connecting our higher selves, can we already receive the signals from the future?
A:You can, but it is not easy. It will be much easier after passing through the mid-point.
Q:Is there any special meditation technique to receive the signal?
A:Yes, we will create one when the time is right.
Q:How do we apply this to our past mistakes? Can I redo what I have already done to my family members?
A:From a psychological perspective, you need to release your guilt and any emotional charges. You go beyond what had happened when you cut all the emotional attachment to the past. You can change the future by changing your present perspective. And then quantum fluctuation will be influenced by your free will and all the possible future timelines will be affected.
Q:Is the signal something our causal body can receive?
A:You receive it via your higher causal body. Causal body interprets those signals so that your physical brain can understand them.
Q&A Session 3
Q:With the rise of artificial intelligence in the art world, is it impacting the next Renaissance?
A:This so-calledArtificial Intelligence technology can not change things as much as people are now expecting. This is just a slightly more sophisticated version of a computer program. Computer programs can only process what has been ordered based on the past data. The data that are imputed are very low quality, so they actually cannot change so many things. Our future is somewhere else.
Q:Chinese lightworkers are heavily oppressed and they are worried about their personal safety. When will the situation improve?
A:The Light Forces are actively working to improve the situation, but it will take time. During this challenging period, Lightworkers in China are encouraged to use their discernment and patience to navigate through this difficult phase.
Q: Since the Toplet Bomb and Chimera have been eliminated, why can't the Light Forces stop the massacre in Gaza?
A:The Light Forces cannot fully intervene in the surface world yet. Direct intervention in Gaza could provoke further chaos in other regions, as the dark forces would retaliate by causing more problems. The dark forces also hold humanity as hostages, so the Light Forces must approach this with great caution to avoid escalating the situation further.
Source Subquantum Network
This year is extremely challenging for many. Some of us had the worst year ever. This is because the Light Forces are still clearing out the Lurker.Lurker is the entity that was created at the beginning of time.
Lurker is the opposite of the Source. The Source is removing the quantum entanglement between the lurkers and humanity. The lurker resists transformation from the Source, and it is fighting back like a cornered beast. It uses its power in the subquantum world to create Murphy's law type of accidents. It targets the most awakened individuals and makes them become unlucky. However, as the lurkers’ strength has now dropped to less than 50%, such unexpected incidents are becoming less frequent.
The universe has been in a false vacuum state since its birth. It is not in a stable dynamic equilibrium. This instability is due to the Lurker’s activity. Once the lurker is gone, the universe will transition into a stable true vacuum state.
Physicists worry that a false vacuum decay could cause our universe to disappear. However, once the false vacuum ends, the universe will enter a stable true vacuum state, and good things will follow.
Physicists have measured the top quark and found that the universe is in a metastable state. So the Source is delving into the subquantum world to change its structure. By doing so, it can permanently eliminate all darkness.
This is a computer generated image of quantum fluctuation. Those super active bubbles are coming out from nothingness.Many things seem to appear out of nowhere, but in reality, they emerge from the subquantum level.
The Lurker can influence the subquantum world to bring about misfortunes, while the Source can also influence subquantum fluctuations to create positive and fortunate outcomes.
[The image of a dark, frightening shadow swallowing up the universe is presented.]
With your higher vision, the Lurker looks like this. It is like Beast that is trying to eat the Earth. But, this being is now beginning to dissolve.
The Source emerald-colored light pillars to remove the Lurker from the solar system. I’m not referring to actual emeralds but rather light beams of emerald green. The hidden secret of emerald is its ability to cleanse the Lurker and anomalies. This is why I have mentioned emeralds this year so many times. It can actually eliminate darkness and anomalies.
We are going through a cosmic quantum phase shift portal. Through this portal, our perception will expand from this 3D physical world to the whole new universe. Once the Lurker is gone, the dark forces will no longer have any power to control the surface world. What happened in Gaza will no longer occur in the future. as the dark forces will no longer have the strength to do the same. Once subquantum cleansing reaches a certain level, breakthroughs will follow.
Q&A Session 4
Q:Can soul contracts override free will?
A:Nothing can override freewill.
Q:Which Ascended Masters can teach us how to use the Emerald Flame to eliminate the Lurker?
A:Those who can use the Emerald Flame are beyond the level of Ascended Masters. Their evolution has surpassed what humanity on Earth can comprehend. The Emerald Flame originates from the Source.
Q: Can we say that all unfortunate events we encounter are caused by the Lurker?
A: If you encounter difficulties or feel they are caused by Lurker, simply place them into the Violet Flame.
Q:I have a question about the Silver Fleet of Agarthan spaceships that awakened the surface population to the positive New Age movement in the 1970s. Are they etheric beings or physical spaceships?
Q:In your recent post you mentioned that the current lightworkers are being tested. What kind of testing is that?
A:I can’t tell you because it’s a test. [laughter]
Q:I have a question about the Dreamland project. There have been a lot of delays since this project was announced. This plan is also supposed to be for the evolution. But after almost 20 years of delay already, people have lost the enthusiasm they had back then and maybe disconnected. People are into quantum financial systems these days. What do you think?
A:The Dreamland Project is a temporary plan for a transitional period. Its timeframe before the polar shift is also a maximum of 10 years or so.
Q:Then you are wealthy for only a few years or so.
A:Exactly. But this period is necessary for many people and has many beneficial effects.
Q:Then why should humanity evacuate to another planet after being rich for just short time?
A:Again, this is the plan for the transition period. It is good at least you become rich for short time. [laughter]
Dragon Wind
The Dragon Wind is a pulse sent from the Andromeda Galaxy to our galaxy. The Dragon Wind activates our Galactic Central Sun and the Sun of our solar system.We’ve discussed many times before about the Galactic Superwave from the Galactic Center of our own Milky Way. Now, the Central Sun of the Andromeda Galaxy is starting to be activated. The Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky Way are twin souls. Simply put, the Milky Way represents the feminine, while the Andromeda Galaxy represents the masculine.
Once the Wind of the Divine Dragon is initiated, the sacred masculine energy of the Andromeda Galaxy will begin to flow into the Milky Way. This sacred masculine energy will manifest in concrete actions on the surface of the Earth. The activation process began this summer. In July, we performed Dragon Ley Line activation ceremonies in Taiwan, Malaysia, and a location not far from Malaysia.
The energy of the Dragon Ley Lines started circling the Earth, eventually enveloping the entire planet. This Dragon Ley Line energy forms a unique torsion field, causing the Earth’s energy to resonate with the Central Sun of the Andromeda Galaxy. This resonance allows the Andromeda Fleet to carry out more activities within the Solar System.
A galactic polar shift is triggered with a flash from the galactic central sun. This change is always a very fast process. The Galactic Superwave will traverse the scalar field of the Milky Way, activating the etheric and plasma planes of the Sun. When the solar flare reaches Earth, it will weaken Earth’s magnetic field, leading to a polar shift.
After the Dragon Ley Line activation ceremony in July, etheric energy began to flow through the Dragon Ley Lines. What effects does this have?
Dragon Wind activation will result in several things . It can stabilize the tectonic plates of the planet, preventing premature polar shift. It will facilitate tangible changes in the surface world. The July Dragon Ley Line ceremony is an irreversible process that influences the entire universe. It will only grow stronger. Eventually, it will trigger physical polar shift and a huge tsunami, cleansing the surface of the Earth.
Dark forces are aware of that, so they are now going crazy. After the Dragon activations in summer, they know that it’s Game Over for them. So they are trying to trigger a nuclear war as soon as possible, however, it is impossible to happen. As soon as an ICBM is launched into the high atmosphere, the light forces can intercept and then deactivate it immediately.
In addition to a nuclear war, dark forces also try to trigger a conventional world war.The Light Forces will employ various technologies to limit the scope of these conflicts. One such technique is mass meditation. We are going to organize a peace meditation for Syria once again.
Collapse of the Old Reality
This is how the old reality system collapse. Due to Covid pandemic or pandemic in 2020, the dark forces used so much buffering resources to maintain the stability of surface society. Now, the buffer with the social system is almost depleted. When there is no buffer with in the system, the entire society will collapse. Once the surface society collapses, the Light forces will be able to take over.
During our first Age of Aquarius meditation in 2019, we initiated the phase transition process. The COVID-19 pandemic propelled us into the third phase of the transition. The heating process will continue, and once the boiling point is reached, the Event will occur.
- Third Phase: Reaching the boiling point, leading to the Event.
- Fourth Phase: The construction of the Islands of Light begins.
- Fifth Phase: Active Island of Light communities emerge on the surface world, and personal ascensions start to occur. Humanity begins adapting to entirely new technologies.
- Sixth Phase: The first wave of collective ascension, involving approximately several thousand people. This will be followed by the Great Evacuation, culminating in the collective ascension of millions.
Q&A Session 5
Q:Recently, a beautiful dragon-shaped cloud appeared in the sky above Mount Fuji. Is this the result of our dragon wind activation?
A: Yes, Of course.
Q: I once read a book that said during ascension, all man-made materials like cement and plastic would suddenly disappear. Is that true?
A: It’s not that they suddenly disappear; rather, they will be washed away by tsunamis. This is part of the purification phase. Earth will eventually ascend to the etheric plane, but we are still far from that point.
Q:Can we counteract the negative programming with our inner guidance?
A: Of course.
Q:Could you tell us anything about the ATVOR ray initiation now?
A: It is not possible right now. It will only be possible next year.
Q: Is the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, a positive being? Is it related to the Dragon families?
A: It is indirectly related.
Q:Is it a positive being?
A: To a degree, yes.
Q: I have a question about light cones. If light cones affect the past, and it involves relationships with others, such as reconciling with someone who doesn’t want it, how should this be handled?
A: Like-minded individuals will come together, while those who are different will part ways. In the future, human consciousness will undergo a divergence. It will be a realignment process.
Q: You just mentioned that thousands of people will ascend. Where will they go after ascension?
A: They will ascend with their physical bodies. During ascension, the physical body will disappear, and they will then choose where to go based on their personal will.
Q: Is there any ascended master ray or stellar ray that can help us connect to Agarthan network?
A:There is no initiation ray for us to connect with Agarthan network yet. When I was initiated into these rays, Agartha was not as active as today.
Earth Liberation Alliance
I will be speaking about the Earth Liberation alliance. As we are coming closer to the Event, different star races and factions are taking part in it.
Multiverse Confederation
Now, there is a Multiverse Confederation dedicated to Planetary Liberation. This universe had a lot of interactions with other universes this March and April. These cosmic interactions enable light beings from other universes to come into this universe and assist the Planetary Liberation. Although the vast majority of these beings are not very active, they are now positioned at Heliopause. When the time is right, they will do something about the dark forces on the surface of the Earth. Those cosmic beings know how to deal with them. They already have a plan that I cannot talk about now.
Besides the beings from other universes, we also have beings from other galaxies in this universe.
Andromeda is a huge galaxy which includes about 100 billion stars and many different star systems.Andromedan is just a general name for many star races from Andromeda galaxy. Those races have some characteristics in common.They have developed a very matured masculinity. They are very active and brave. They know how to deal with physical life. They value punctuality, and they do things without delay. They came to our solar system 3 years ago.
When Andromedans knew that the light forces in the solar system were not enough to liberate the Earth on their own, they decided to send support. They have involved in various operations since 3 years ago
They are the main force who defeated the Chimera group and those huge spiders.
Galactic Confederation
Galactic Confederation is an alliance of many star races inside this galaxy. Its main focus is to accelerate the spiritual evolution of human beings. Most of its members behave like angels.
Milky Way galaxy is a female galaxy, so the members of Galactic Confederation embody many positive feminine aspects.
Ashtar Command
Ashtar Command is an alliance formed by many member races of Galactic Confederation. Its main focus is to liberate this planet. Ashtar Command has a vast star fleet which includes millions upon millions of starships. It reentered into our solar system after world war II, during 1952-53.
This is a real photo of a cloudship of Ashtar Command. This photo was taken in California, near Joshua Tree National Park , where Ashtar Command once had strong activities. That cloud above Giant Rock is actually a mothership of Ashtar Command.
Angelic Beings
[Photos of human-looking beautiful men and women are presented.]
There are angelic beings from different sectors of the galaxy. They are looking forward to activating the big portal for the Earth next year.
Ascended Beings
[The actual photo was radiating rays of light like sunlight.]
Ascended beings are humans who have gone through their ascension process. They can appear in human forms, but when you see them from a far-away perspective, they would look like a huge point of light. They will have some intense activities in Mt. Himalaya next May. I will talk more about it when the time is right.
Aldebarans and Pleiadians have been quite active throughout human history, while the former focus on genetic engineering. Aldebarans hoped to improve human genes, but Dracos infiltrated the surface society and then affected human genes.
Aldebarans were quite active in Sumerian Civilization and ancient India. They had a nuclear war with the Dracos; unfortunately, they lost it.
Radioactivity can be detected in a desert of Rajasthan, because an ancient nuclear war broke out in that area.
Last time Aldebarans were active in human history was in Tang dynasty of China. They actually assisted the Li family establish Tang dynasty.
Aldebarans have taken over Pleiadians’ position to have the First Contact with surface humanity. Their mindset and physical appearance are much similar to surface humanity, so it’s not a problem for us to interact with them. On the other hand, Pleiadians are like a group of Goddesses who might be too subtle for human beings to get along with .
Aldebarans worked closely with Secret Space Programs. They contacted Maria Orsic and instructed her to create a part of German SSP. She is now working closely with Aldebarans and Pleiadeans.
[note: I think a similar photo was presented]
Arcturians are dedicated to the mental development of humanity.They are bringing new ideas and help us develop higher minds. They have developed many advanced meditation techniques and spiritual skills, such as telepathy and clairvoyance.
They will be more active after the Event. Surface humanity is not very open to Psychic abilities and supernatural powers. Arcturians will be more active after these topics are popular with human beings.
The Sirians were very active in 1970s-80s, during the first wave of New Age movement.
When Siris B completes its orbital period around Sirius A in 2025 , Sirians will become more active.
[A photo of a flying saucer was presented]
This is a Sirian mothership. It is 300 kilometers long, almost as long as Taiwan. These kinds of big motherships are positioned at Heliopause.
Pleiadians are coming back to the Earth. In the next few weeks, they will come back to our solar system in a brand new way and then become fully active.
They will upgrade all tachyon healing chambers. The chambers will receive and then send out stronger energies.
We hope that there will be more tachyon chambers to be installed, especially in the area where chambers are very rare, such as South America and Africa.
Agarthan Network
The Agarthan network is going through an intense transformation this December. This is a part of the breakthrough happening in December. Agarthan network is going to restore it full power that it once had 25,000 years ago. After the dark Tibetan Agarthan network is removed, the positive Agarthan network will extend throughout the entire Earth. Once it becomes a global network, Silver Fleet will be fully activated once again. and then awaken humanity spiritually.
Agarthan network has long cooperation with Andromedans, the latter has taught Agarthans how to build and operate star fleets. When I went to the Resistance Movement in 1978, I saw an Andromedan starship. Silver Fleet will be reactivated during the portal of preparedness and be operational in our solar system.
Resistance Movement
The Resistance Movement is also undergoing a huge transformation. The RM has been keeping the balance of planetary situations for a few decades.It has removed a lot of darkness underground, and its members are already burnt out,
The RM is now receiving reinforcements from Andromedans and Aldebarans. They are now creating a new alliance, which will get involved with many surface operations.
All those forces are working together for the final breakthrough.They will help us manifest the Event.
Galactic White Nobility and Order of the Star
[This is not an actual image presented]
Unlike noble families of human beings, Galactic White Nobility does not inherit their title through bloodlines. Galactic White Nobilities are highly evolved soul groups who
have very high cosmic origins. Before they incarnated into the Earth as individuals, they came from a very high cosmic source.
I will now mention some of those galactic white nobility families. The most famous one is Anutara Family. Anutara Family is a huge star nobility family whose members are as many as 144,000. Its family members incarnated into the Earth with the purpose of liberating this planet. In some secret circles, they are called the Guardians of Holy Grail. Some members of Anutara Family were awakened in the timeframe between 1975-1995, but fell asleep after The Great Forgetting and Archon Invasion of 1996. Now with the completion of 11:11, many of its members will be awakened again.
Another well-known galactic white nobility family is the Sheran family. Commander Ashtar Sheran is in fact a member of this family. They are deeply connected with Sirius star system. Many members of the Sheran family are working in Galactic Confederation and Ashtar command.
Many cosmic queens and kings are members of Ranutara family. Only a few of its family members are related to Earth’s history. This family uses a twelve pointed star as its coat of arms. Other galactic white nobility families have their own coat of arms. For example, Anutara family uses Flower of Life as its coat of arms.
Another galactic white nobility family is Vorandian family. This family name might sound familiar or trigger something within you. Vorandian family is a member of Galactic Confederation. Many of its members incarnated to different sectors of the universe as emperors or empresses.
Order of the Star
The Order of the Star is the early manifestation of the Anutara family on the physical plane. Many members of Anutara family took a part in the reincarnation cycle on the Earth.
16,000 years ago, they first gathered at Coladan- the Golden Gate city of Atlantis. There, they formed a secret society with the purpose of healing humanity and bringing them back to the Source. Their elders are the Brotherhood of the Star. The brotherhood of the star has been guiding the evolution of humanity behind the scene. Its members have inspired people to form different secret societies in different eras. They also provided many teachings and knowledge to humanity. After the fall of Atlantis, they formed a secret society in Egypt. One very important aspect of Egyptian occultism is the Mysteries of Goddess ISIS.
Nowadays, some people talk about the mysteries of Goddess Isis, but they don’t know what they are talking about.
The so-called Mysteries of Goddess ISIS which most people know today originated in the Roman Empire. They are not real mysteries but merely the last remaining fragments. The real ones have existed since 3,500 years ago. The Mysteries of Goddess ISIS got suppressed in the Amarna period— the late middle kingdom of Egypt. After the Event, the surface population will begin to learn those mysteries once again. Cagliostro is a freemason who knows the real mysteries of Goddess ISIS.
The order of the Star and Brotherhood of the Star founded a Pythagorean mystery school in ancient Greece; the order of Knight Templars in the middle age; Rosicrucian and Freemason later on; Theosophical Society in modern age, and other lesser known secret societies during 20th century. The original purpose of all those secret societies was to bring the Light to the Earth, but all of them were more or less infiltrated.
The order of the Star is now being reactivated on the surface world. Members of the Anutara family who have reincarnated on the Earth will be awakened once again and then remember their missions.
The very important aspect of this is to remember your star origins. To do this, there is a very interesting book of Solara called “Invoking Your Celestial Guardians”
This book gives instructions on how to connect with your angelic self.
By remembering your star origin, you can remember your mission and the reason why you are here. In 2025, you will have to do your missions on higher levels.
This is not the real Holy Grail. This is an emerald chalice made by Mughal Empire. You can drink wine wine chalice, but its secret purpose is to be the artifact which can activate the energy of the galactic central sun. It can also transmit the energy of emerald-colored ray.
The real holy grail is made of moldavite. It has 144 facets. Each facet can connect members of the Anutara family. A very advanced cosmic being is sending his Light to the holy grail. His Light will be transmitted to members of the Anutara family via each facet.
The real physical holy grail exists in Agarthan network. There are several holy grails kept within Agarthan network. Those grails will be fully activated next year. The grail energy will make members of the Anutara family be awakened once again and then remember their true missions.
Development of Secret Societies
This map depicts the route which Brotherhood of the Star and Order of the Star used to pass down their knowledge. They initially spread their knowledge in the area where we now know as Syria. Then, their members went through Anatolia, Bulgaria, Italy, and finally France. They established Catharism in Southern France.
Cathars, Brotherhood of the Star and Order of the Star had a plan in the 14th century. Their original goal was to change the history of Europe. If that plan was successful, our life would have become much better and easier. Later on, the dark forces created inquisitions to crack down the Cathar movement. Now, members of the Cathar movement have reincarnated on the surface world, some of them are now living in Asia.
The United States is going to be a very important trigger point. Many new knowledge and Light will spread throughout the world from the USA. Some Templar and freemason groups have become very active since this November. They are preparing for the New Age.
Q&A Session 6
Q:As we know, King Solomon is a member of the Anutara family. Did he reincarnate on the Earth later on?
Q:Did he choose to live as a celebrity?
Q:Has he ascended now?
Q:Recently, many media reported that people saw UFOs flying over nuclear facilities. Some people are claiming that those UFOs are a deliberate hoax of alien invasion. Some are claiming that those UFOs are from Chinese, Russian, or American secret space programs. What is really going on now?
A:I don’t see any threat. Those UFOs are truly off-world space crafts.
Q:Do other star races have free will? Is humanity the only race that is still using free will.?
A:The truth is quite the opposite. Humanity is the only race that is NOT using its free will.
Q:Among the 144,000 members of the Anutara family, are there any of them from the Andromeda galaxy?
A. Yes.
A:You have mentioned previously that now light forces know the timeframe towards the Event. Could you tell us anything about it?
A. Of course not. They’ll not tell anybody on the surface of the planet.
Aldebaran Plan
Aldebarans started to be very active this year. Their mothships have already entered our solar system. They have built bases on different moons asteroids in our solar system. They have also built bases on the far side of the Moon and on the Earth, especially underground and on the seabed. They have finally emerged on the surface around this June. They have contacted some main world leaders.
In 2021 and a few years earlier, we had a big petition campaign in which we asked for divine intervention from the Light forces. We gathered more than 144,000 signatures from the surface population. The petition campaign reached critical mass and it sent a clear signal to the light forces.
In 2021, Pleiadians contacted some high ranking Russian leaders and asked them to simply take a defensive stand on Crimea. Russian generals freaked out and the communication between both sides did not go smoothly. In 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine.
Surface population still has much unhealed trauma, so it is very difficult for human beings to have good cooperation with other star races. Aldebarans contacted Chinese military leaders in the hope of working together for planetary liberation. Aldebarans did not mention the Event, and they tried to be very gentle and subtle during the conversation. However, the reaction from the Chinese was even worse. An interstellar war between Aldebarans and the Chinese military almost broke out.
Now Aldebarans are trying to contact Trump and Musk. We will see how that goes.
There is a US military faction that is open for communicating with Aldebarans. Some people within the US military experienced extraterrestrial communication decades ago. It is more likely for them to cooperate with Aldebarans. Both Russians and the Chinese had said no, if this US military faction also says no, Aldebarans will not deal with humans anymore. They will do their plans in their own way.
If humanity is not willing to cooperate, Aldebarans have their own plan. Sometimes, humans need to be taught a lesson or even a shock therapy so that they will be willing to open their eyes . The surface population will know that there are extraterrestrial intelligent lives, no matter whether the human governments will publicly admit this fact or not.
It will be strategically wise for the US military to cooperate with Aldebarans. For US generals, this will be their last chance.
From February to March 2025, Aldebarans will review the performance of the Trump administration and then decide their following actions. They also intend to contact some surface general population before next March.
Aldebaran and Andromedan special forces have been deployed onto the surface world since October. They are using cloned human bodies, so they look like humans. You cannot tell they are ETs by judging their physical appearance. Their special forces acted on the surface world, especially conflict zones and battlefields. They have prevented many serious war crimes.
Aldebaran and Andromedan have infiltrated secret services and intelligence agencies around the world.
Aldebaran are using cloned avatars to replace humans who work in intelligence agencies. The person who was replaced by an avatar will be sent to the Galactic Court. His behavior will determine his fate. This infiltration process will continue to a certain extent,and then there will be a next phase of this operation, which I cannot reveal yet.
The final phase of the Aldebaran Plan is the Event. When the Event happens, Aldebaran, Andromedan and the Resistance Movement will work with the positive military for the mass arrest. If Joe Biden is still alive after the Event, he might be taken to the galactic court as a defendant.
New Renaissance
New Renaissance is a spiritual consequence of the Event. The energies of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus will lead the surface world to the new age and bring mass awakening. When humanity gets a large-scale awakening, Goddess energy will return to the surface world. After the Event, more and more Atlantean-style Goddess temples will emerge on the surface world. People will start to heal their own sexual energy and realign their kundalini energy.
New Renaissance will also bring many advanced technologies. A replicator can create many kinds of groceries. Humanity will also have access to many advanced medical technologies, such as the famous Med-bed.